We provide effective, affordable and discreet Bedbug control treatments from only £60 per room across the Leicestershire and Rutland areas.
MJ Pest control does offer a professional and effective, cheap bedbug removal services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland areas.
Why you may need to control Bedbugs
Bedbugs are small brown insects that feed on human blood. Mainly active at night, Bedbugs hide in crevices in the bed and other furniture, and come out at night to feed. For some Bedbug bites cause red, irritating marks, or even severe skin reactions, while others will have little or no reaction to bits.
Bedbugs can also disturb sleep and spread diseases, so its important you eradicate the problem before the spread.
How to get rid of Bedbugs?
If you find Bedbugs then you need to act immediately, or problems will worsen. Self treatment of an infestation is unlikely to be successful due to the difficultly in treating them. We would recommend contacting a professional and qualified pest control company such as MJ Pest control for advice and treatment.
In some cases Bedbugs can be controlled within one treatment, however in most we find it takes more than one treatment. The industry standard for the control of Bedbugs is three visits/treatments” – but we will try to ensure this takes no more than two, and we will keep the costs down so your treatment is affordable and effective.
So if you have a Bedbug problem and require some professional advice, then contact us today on 0116 271 3513 or 07806895592.